After a long and chilly chillin siesta (during which Timjaspy went to Waikiki, and NinjAdam went to Tofino, the bastards...) We three tings from nor'western paaarts (The Triad in Blood, yours truly madly deeply) have come up with an amazing plan...
MAKE A NEW ALBUM!!! Currently NinjAdam and Timjaspy are off gallavanting aboot the whole of Canada with Buckman Coe, but this has prompted myself (Ninjoelspy here) to git down to business with finalizing arrangements of a dozen or so new songs, as well as overseeing the continued progress on the NO KATA Gnovel by artist ETSKH (James Loucks) who has been meticulously slaving for the past year or more to make it amazing. We will also be launching a page soon for those of you who want to help us out with some fundage to make our (and hopefully your) dreams become reality.
Probably the most exciting thing I can tell you is that upon the return of the wayward sons, when the Triad in Blood is at long last reunited, we shall embark upon an epic quest to demo all our new songs, then post them so you can listen!!
Until then, do nice things for your aunties.